Long before my birth time smiled and may again, for once there was, and yet will be, more joyful days. Steven Epstein is Professor of History, University of Colorado. has brought us wretches in these evil years. Cohn, Jr., is Professor of History, Brandeis University. Thus the volume will go beyond the interest of specialists in medieval and Renaissance social history and will attract a wide audience of students and scholars.

Important new material on Florence, family history, religion, the Inquisition, and taxation is presented for the first time, but the essays are not simply technical exercises focused on small or isolated pieces of research. San Vincenzo al Volturno is an early medieval monastery in the high province of Molise, southeast of Rome, and site of most substantial excavations over the. Like Herlihy's own work, these essays present innovative and challenging hypotheses about significant problems in the history of medieval and Renaissance Europe. The final group of authors considers the special circumstances of town and countryside in Italy, England, and Spain and draws insightful generalizations across territorial and national boundaries. A second group of studies focuses on the question of authority in medieval society and advances new theses about politics and society in Florence and other local settings. The first group of essays takes us inside specific familial settings, using recent methods in anthropological, legal, and women's studies to uncover new dimensions of medieval and Renaissance family life.

Portraits of Medieval and Renaissance Living opens with Herlihy's final summary of his views on family history, followed by a reminiscence by his most important collaborator, Christiane Klapisch-Zuber. The authors use current research to illustrate how Herlihy's ideas continue to shape work about the lives of powerful and ordinary people in this long and important period of Western history. The essays address three themes: sex and the family, power and patronage in local history, and society in town and countryside. This volume-a collection of essays dedicated to one of this century's most distinguished medieval historians, David Herlihy-introduces the general reader to the new social history of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.